Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How Facebook is Amplifying The Amount of Jealousy In Your Romantic Relationship

The importance of technology and social media continues to expand daily. Todays populace has the astonishing task of keeping all of their social media accounts up to date and continue to connect and grow their reach on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Linked-in, etc. With all of these social media avenues to engage with others and connect with friends and "friends-to-be" where do our romantic relationships fall into the mix. How does social media positively and negatively affect these relationships? Effects of social media on romantic relationships are evolving into a significant cause of fighting and jealousy in current relationships.

Studies have linked the usage of Facebook to ongoing fighting and even divorce in many romantic relationships. A study done by Mashable shows that Facebook does in fact increase the amount of jealousy in relationships. This jealousy and sometimes relationship-ending behavior can cause serious stress and emotional pain within romantic relationships. It may be attributed to the ability to tag other people in photos without their permission, receiving friend requests from ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends, viewing wall posts that are too friendly for comfort and the ability to track someones activity on their Facebook page. All of these activities factor into why Facebook has become an avenue for jealousy in romantic relationships.

Facebook is addictive, over-informative and makes it too easy to reconnect with old lovers

Research has linked high levels of jealousy in relationships with the usage of their partner on Facebook and other social media sites. A study conducted in Canada concluded that "a whopping 74 percent of those surveyed said they were likely to add exes as Facebook friends and 78.9 percent said that their current partner had previous partners as Facebook friends" (Boughrum, 1).  This jealousy and obsessive curiosity of what a persons partner is up to has become a growing issue in most relationships. Constant access to analyzing and following your partners Facebook activity has led to relationship "nightmares." Checking who your partner is friends with, whose posts they like and follow and what discussions they engage in on Facebook is a new avenue for keeping tabs on what the other is doing on a daily basis. Partners in relationships where both people utilize social media and technology often find themselves wrapped up in jealousy and worry over what the other is doing on their computer. So, does Facebook breed jealousy or is jealousy inevitable in any romantic relationship?

I chose to seek answers to my questions about how social media, Facebook in particular, is affecting romantic relationships. Professor Dale Hample, an expert in interpersonal relationships within the Communications Department here at the University of Maryland, checks his social media sites to make sure he is up to date in his communication with his friends, family and online connections.

Professor Dale Hample answers some questions on how social media is creating an avenue for jealousy in romantic relationships on Facebook.

Hample brings up the idea of suspicion within relationships that utilize Facebook. He states that most jealousy that takes place in romantic relationships stem from the suspicion that the other partner is engaging in dishonest activity and therefore disrespecting the commitments mutually made to the relationship. Additionally, Hample also discusses the idea that partners may have each others passwords, as another way of spying and keeping tabs on the other partner. Both jealousy, suspicion and actual spying via. the usage of a partners information are negative side effects produced by the activities that take place on Facebook and other social media sites. Hample states that although he doesn't attribute jealousy to being produced entirely by Facebook, it is an avenue for jealousy to occur on a frequent basis in romantic relationships. 

Research shows the existence of "Facebook Spying"

Jessica Zartler, a reporter for 9 News reveals the findings of a study "More Information than You Ever Wanted: Does Facebook Bring Out the Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy?" by the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, that concluded that Facebook is not good for couples in romantic relationships. The news report solicits the expertise of Dr. Howard Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Denver, often referred to as "Dr. Love" by colleagues, "is hesitant to say that Facebook has an exclusively negative impact on romantic relationships, but he does see how this could be a problem for many couples" (Zartler, 1). This informative report also brings up the idea of "Facebook spying"  and discusses how easily partners can track each others activity on Facebook, often leading to jealousy and danger. 

Despite negative feedback, Facebook and other technologies can still be used to the benefit of certain couples... 

Although much research exists detailing the reasons why social media and technology has been a hurtful tool in romantic relationships, there is some positive results that can come out of the usage of technology within these relationships. When used correctly and productively, Facebook and other technology can be extremely helpful for couples who are long distance and or are looking to use their social media outlets in a positive and constructive way.

Professor Hample contributes his expertise on how technology and social media, Facebook in particular, can be beneficial for couples. Hample describes ways that couples can utilize these tools to their benefit as opposed to their demise.

Although Facebook can cause serious jealousy and a variety of misunderstandings in relationships, there are some benefits for Facebook users in relationships. A benefit for couples that use Facebook is the ability to share their love with each other in a open and publicly broadcasted way. This is encouraging for the members in the relationship, reminding them that the other is special and important to them. Additionally, Facebook allows couples to post pictures of exciting moments that they have shared with their friends and family. This is a great way for others to see what the couple is up to and allows the couple to connect with others and share those experiences. Facebook also allows couples to connect and communicate in a fast and easy way via. Facebook Messenger and Facebook Video Chat. Both avenues of communication are effective and easy to use. Facebook is a wonderful tool in connecting with your partner, sharing pictures and videos with them easily and quickly and also an amazing tool for including your loved ones in your experiences with your partner. There are many benefits that encourage me that Facebook can be beneficial to couples... if used correctly!

Differing opinions still exist on whether or not Facebook is more helpful or hurtful in romantic relationships... 

A University of Maryland student discusses her opinion on whether or not she believes that Facebook is helping or hurting romantic relationships. The interview compliments the ideas presented by expert Dale Hample, who can both agree than Facebook leads to suspicion and jealousy in romantic relationships due to the amount of activity that can be followed, questioned and scrutinized.

With all of the information presented by research and personal experiences, one can conclude that Facebook can be a dangerous weapon in a romantic relationship. Facebook has been shown to lead to jealousy, suspicion and many fights between partners who friend their ex-partners and participate in activity that is "shady" to their partners. In some cases, Facebook can be beneficial, mostly in interpersonal relationships excluding romantic couples, but when used correctly and productively for communication purposes, Facebook is a useful tool in staying connected with friends and family.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thoughts on iPAD's and Technology in the classroom

Monday, October 22, 2012

Where do you stand when it comes to the digital divide?

How are you affected by the digital divide?
Chelsea Markel

What is a digital divide and why it is relevant to you...

The article Digital Divide or Participation Gap? Will Mobile Affect it? written by Kevin Guidry was highly informative and can be helpful to readers who are looking to gain clarity on what the innovation of technology means for the individual. Kevin opens the article with a discussion on the various market forces that drive this technology innovation and collaboration. Kevin explains that there are financial and social forces that are responsible for moving the evolution of technology forward.

Kevin then goes on to discuss and define the idea of a digital divide. This digital divide is what contributes to the difference in internet usage among different groups of people. The digital divide is responsible for the inequity that exists among different Universities in regard to how many students have their own computer. The article states that the more affluent Universities have shown a higher ownership rate of computers among their students. The digital divide exists everywhere and affects every individual differently, depending on your ethnicity, gender and other demographics and factors.

This graph shows how the digital divide is affecting different people and cultures globally. This graphic is a clear representation of which countries are suffering the most from the digital divide. 

I found numerous connections between Kevin Guidry's article and the article that I read this week. One substantial connection that I made between these two articles was the significance of ethnicity in determining what type of mobile user an individual is. Demographics is a factor that is discussed in both articles and both state that ethnicity is a huge factor in what type of mobile user a person is. 
This graph explains the U.S. smartphone penetration based on ethnicity. This graph is a great representation of which ethnic groups in America are affected by the digital divide. 

The next level of digital divide is the participation gap... 

The article then goes into discussing the term participation gap and explains what this term means to individuals of a particular culture and group. The participation gap is the next level of the digital divide. The participation gap refers to the differences among people who have unlimited access to the internet versus the people who only have this access via the ability of their school or library. There is a huge gap in these two groups of people and having access to the internet is almost a requirement now for individuals in order to be successful. Additionally, the ability to understand and use social networks is critical to an individuals success in the workplace and in other areas of their life. 

So... does America have a digital divide or a participation gap? 

After reading these two pieces discussing the digital divide and the participation gap, I believe that America absolutely has instances of both happenings. Americas populace ranges from extremely rich to extremely poor, full and unlimited access to the internet and technology devices to situations where internet access is completely impossible. The digital divide in America can be observed in the statistics and facts about the demographics of owns different technology devices and what their reasons are for their device usage. This digital divide is absolutely prominent in this country and can be noted in different situations every day in mostly every place across the country. Furthermore, I believe that a participation gap exists in America as well. The participation gap can be observed in the difference in education in America. More affluent schools have different learning objectives and required materials than a school with a lower tuition and less of a reputation to uphold. The education differences and the different levels of student access to education materials can be found when comparing many different schools in the US. 

What does this mean for the mobile audiences in the future? 

The technology industry continues to evolve and new technology devices are introduced to the market almost on a monthly basis. The trend to have the latest technology and up to date services is a growing demand in America for internet and cell phone users. Mobile audiences want their information now and  look for a convenient way to receive this information. Many mobile users opt to use their mobile devices as a way of receiving their news information and finding trending articles due to the accessibility that cell phones allow for their users. Other mobile audience members find that using their laptops and other technologies is the best way for them to receive their information. It all boils down to accessibility, connivence and user friendliness. 

The future for mobile audiences is bright if you are a part of a group that has access to obtaining and utilizing these technologies. For people who are cell phone users and internet users, you will be able to continue to evolve and develop along with your smart phone technology. New products with faster and even more efficient services will be offered to you. Will you take advantage of these new capabilities? On the other hand, if you are a part of a group that is disadvantaged due to the participation gap and the digital divide then you have some catching up to do. Maximize the amount of internet usage you obtain by participating in school activities and local opportunities through educational experiences to achieve greater usage and understanding of what technologies exist and why they are vital to success in the 21st century. 

Overall, I believe that the digital divide and the participation gap will always be huge issues in America and globally. The huge differences along the social stratus exist and have always contributed to issues in equality and amount of accessibility for many different groups within the populace. Focus on bringing technology to every student and every learning individual is a great goal to have and mission for the technology industry to take on in the future. 

Useful links: http://www.nea.org/home/15468.htm 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Malaysian Entertainment Industry Expansion

Malaysian Entertainment Industry Expansion!
Written by: Chelsea Markel

The Malaysian Entertainment Industry has continued to grow and expand in a positive direction in the past few years. Many different factors have contributed to the growth and expansion of the Malaysian Entertainment Industry a few including social media efforts and connections and their collaborations with other countries whom are expanding their markets as well. Malaysian entertainment was been the topic of many research discussions, which have opened up space for a better understanding of where Malaysia stands in regards to their industry in entertainment. 

Researching the entertainment industry in Malaysia led me to find an article that discussed the importance of social media and its connection to the expansion of this industry. The article states that, "when asked about the effectiveness of social media in elevating the standard of the local entertainment industry in Malaysia, Juwita Suwito, vocalist and former Malaysian Idol vocal coach agrees that social media is effective as it creates intimacy between the artist and their listeners." The importance of social media in the entertainment industry in Malaysia, and in other countries including the United States, has proven to be a vital part of the growth and development. Social media has allowed the entertainment industry to promote their new products and has allowed the audience to connect with the stars and even submit feedback on the movies and productions that are being placed in the market. This is very helpful to directors and actors who are looking for feedback from their fans and their followers. Social Media has opened up many doors for the entertainment industry in general and it has proven to be especially significant in Malaysia. 

Additionally, an article discussing the growth and expansion of the Malaysian entertainment industry exposed that "Malaysia has a current rate of expansion at 7.1%." Malaysia continues to grow and expand by creating new productions that reflect the market desires and needs. The growth in the Malaysian market is linked to social media and also linked strongly with their collaboration with other industries as well. 

This video discusses the growth in the Malaysian economy, which of course contributes to why its entertainment industry is thriving as well. This clip gives the viewer some insight into what Malaysia is doing to continue to expand and grow as a country.

This is another short film discussing a new movie project that my family friend is producing, in hopes of bridging the gap between Hollywood film industry and Malaysia! It is very exciting if you are interested check it out.

While reading about the collaborations that Malaysia has made in order to continue their growth in the entertainment industry, I found an article where MDA CEO Aubeck Kam, said, "the fact that Singapore and Malaysia's media industries are growing in tandem and collaborating in media projects is a positive development. This business mission is a good platform to further synergize our efforts, and open the way for Singapore and Malaysian companies to create compelling content that resonates with local and international audiences." Collaboration and the sharing of resources has proven to be a successful technique for Malaysia in the past, which is why this strategy is continued to be useful for this industry. Furthermore, research has led me to find this quote by the director general of FINAS, Mohd Naguib Razak, who said, "sharing efforts and resources together amongst regional neighbours, such as Singapore, makes perfect sense and should bring a wealth of positives to both our countries." This idea of collaborating and sharing is the adopted way of thinking and acting for the entertainment industry in Malaysia and Singapore as well. 

The Malaysian entertainment industry has produced many films, ranging in genres including comedies and romantic films to black and white films. There is a great deal of variety in Malaysia and their productions seem to cover all the aspects of film and entertainment, similar to the US entertainment industry. Research has shown that audiences in Malaysia have a deep appreciation for the arts and for entertainment in general. Research has also shown that there has been a growing demand for quality in the entertainment industry in Malaysia and this has led to much innovation and creativity. The Malaysian entertainment sector seems to be growing and producing quite a large amount of lucrative return on their productions. The Malaysian entertainment industry consists of a variety of smaller sub-industries which are committed to providing quality entertainment to the populace. The entertainment outlets that are involved in this industry include music and radio, film, and television. Similar to the US entertainment industry when it comes to their dedication and  commitment to producing meaningful and well-thought films that reflect their culture and cultural identity. 

I found another interesting and extremely informative book which discusses the Malaysian entertainment industry and has an entire chapter devoted to analyzing the Malaysian cinema and its functions. The book states that Malaysian film has a "cultural specificity of films in their interplay with local and other cultural forces. In other words, the intention is to consider how the films 'speak of, around and beside the nation' rather than how the nation 'speaks the films' or even how the films 'speak the nation.' I found this to be extremely interesting and thought provoking being that it is putting lots of importance and significance into the films thoughts and feelings about the nations. It is basically a production discussing the adversities or situations of Malaysia. Additionally, the book states that "the characteristics of the transformation of the Western genre especially in Indian and Hong Kong cinema are of crucial importance in Malaysian films." This is yet another aspect of the Malaysian film and entertainment industry which continues to support their collaboration and connection with other countries and industries. 

While researching the Malaysian business model for the the entertainment industry, I found a great article/ blog discussing where Malaysia stands business-wise and where they are headed. A quote from the article that I found interesting states, "coming from small and upcoming animation studios, these budding animators are at the core of the local creative industry SMEs with potential to grow further and contribute towards achieving Malaysia’s aim of becoming a regional creative content hub in the future" (Teoh, 1). This website also discusses the importance and capability of Malaysia to emerge their "intellectual properties in a way that speaks to their transmedia potential." Tons of research on this growing and budding industry exists and I found it very interesting to look into the entertainment industry of Malaysia and see what it is all about. 

Much of my research has stemmed from these very informative websites. Please feel free to consult and check it out if this topic is of interest to you! http://bit.ly/SKfRzJ http://bit.ly/VQePol

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Privacy in 2012... Does it exist and should it?

Privacy in 2012... Does it exist and should it?
Chelsea Markel

With the rapid expansion of technology, privacy is often compromised, consciously and unconsciously by the individual. The amount of privacy that an one in 2012 has used to be  considered a 'personal choice', but is that still the case? In this blog post I will be analyzing the pros and cons of efforts by federal officials to order cell phone companies to furnish real-time tracking of data so that officials can pinpoint fugitives and suspects. Needless to say, many opinions exist on whether or not installing real-time tracking on cellular devices is a good or a bad thing for society as a whole. Proponents for installing a tracking system in cell phones argue that this technology can be useful in emergency situations and also can be a powerful tool in identifying criminals. Whereas opponents suggest that tracking services go against the rights of American citizens and believe that trackers are a complete invasion of personal privacy. In my opinion, I believe that both sides of this topic have a valid point but if an individual is not breaking the law then this technology will not be of harm to that person. The question that I pose is; if you are obeying the law then what is the harm of having this tracking service installed on your phone?

Supporters of installing and utilizing tracking technology on cell phones believe that this will be a helpful tool in keeping people more safe and secure, by allowing people in emergency situations, such as a natural disaster or a hostage situation, to be located by the police. This tracking technology is an extremely useful tool in the rescue and search of missing people after natural disasters or any time of emergency situation. Tracking technology has been the method of many people being located during these harmful situations by firefighters and police officers. Additionally, supporters affirm that law enforcement tracking does not violate the Fourth Amendment; which protects Americans against illegal searches, due to the fact that “tracking doesn’t require a physical interaction with the suspect’s handset” (Jones, 1).  Therefore, proponents conclude that cell data is incredibly valuable to law enforcement during the course of an investigation and search for people during an emergency situation.

Opponents of this tracking technology being used in cellular devices argue that their rights are being violated and that their privacy is basically eliminated. An article written by Catherine Crump, from the ACLU, stated, “the government should have to get a warrant before tracking cell phones. That is what is necessary to protect Americans’ privacy, and it is also what is required under the Constitution” (Crump, 1). Many people believe that they should not have to sacrifice their amount of privacy, even though this technology can be helpful in targeting criminals. 

So where do you stand on this topic? In the near future, the senate will be reviewing “the Geolocation Privacy and Surveillance (GPS) Act, which would require law enforcement officers to obtain a warrant to access location information from cell phones or GPS devices. It would also mandate that private telecommunications companies obtain their customers’ consent before collecting location data” (Crump, 1). The question still remains, is cell phone tracking a good or a bad thing for society?

If you are interested in learning more about this topic and seeing what other people have to say, click these links and learn more! You comments are welcomed :)